Architectural Acoustics Acoustic design of different types of buildings relating to building structure, components and facades.
Interior Acoustics Acoustic design of interior environments relating to design of finishes, shapes and forms of special buildings and enclosures such as Auditoria, Concert Halls, Exhibition Venues, Theatres, Cinemas, Opera Houses, Discos, TV & Recording Studios, Conference Centres and Sports Stadiums.
Mechanical & Electrical Acoustics Acoustic design for noise & vibration control of mechanical and electrical services within buildings such as Equipment, Chillers, Generator Sets, Elevators, HVAC equipment, Transformers etc.
Structural Noise & Vibration Design, measurement and computer modeling for assessment of structural noise & vibration due to effects from internal & external sources such as Building Movement, M & E plants, Construction Sites, Transports etc.
Electro Acoustics Design, planning, specification and testing of audio and visual facilities including Public Address, Sound Reinforcement, Sound Masking and Audible Alarm Systems for Commercial, Educational, Performance and Exhibition venues.
Environmental Noise & Vibration Measurement, modeling and assessment of environmental noise & vibrations impact and design of abatement measures.
Product Research & Development Detailed design based on tests, modeling, etc. to modify and compare existing products or totally new designs based on the requirements of the client. This type of service is on many occasions performed in collaboration with other specialists, universities and academic establishments locally and/ or overseas.